The Werewolf's Garden
The werewolf's garden is an enigma
The ground remains intact
Untouched by plow or horn
But under the wild red plum trees
The Hackberries
The Pecans
Grow wild onions and lambs' quarters
Devil's claws delicious and treacherous
Dandelions as succulent as the dawn
The blue bird house meant for purple martens
Has been taken over by honeybees
And honey drips upon the ground
Nothing is cultivated
But rises unbidden from discarded fruit pits and rotting leaves
The second silver dollar moon in a month
Glints off the caps of the newborn mushrooms
Like one pearl nodding to another
Green doves nestled in the eaves
Watch unconcerned as the hair thickens and the snout grows long
It is incongruous
But earrings still dangle
From ears now perched high on the head and tufted with fur
Only fish see her drink naked from their pool
Undressed themselves they hardly notice
Meanwhile some answers grow lonely with waiting